Injured Workers Pharmacy: News

Does Customer Service in Health Care Matter to You?

Written by Kellie Collier | Oct 3, 2018 5:10:38 PM

Customer Service Week

Customer Service Week is a national movement which celebrates the important role that customer service plays within an organization. From boosting employee morale to rewarding employees in customer service-based roles, celebrations are encouraged to remind everyone within a company how positive customer service experiences can shape their reputation.

Types of Customer Service in Healthcare

Customer service is felt in nearly every company. From call centers to restaurants, the better you make a customer’s experience the more likely they are to return. Within health care, customer service can come in many different forms – like appointment scheduling, provider interactions, and turnaround times on important questions.

How Customer Service Helps

If you are visiting a health care provider, whether it be your primary care doctor, a specialist, or a pharmacist, you might be in a vulnerable state. Injuries, illnesses or the overall state of your health can cause stress and anxiety, and during those uncertain times excellent customer service can help ease your mind and help relieve your stress.

Not surprisingly, in a customer service study conducted by Vanguard Communications, only 4% of survey responders complained specifically about issues related to their medical treatment. While 96% focused on customer service-based issues, like communication, wait times and disorganized operations.  

If you agree with these survey results, what matters most to you when visiting your provider?

First impressions, code of ethics, and relationship building are all forms of customer service and to patients like you, they may be some of the most important.

Customer Service at Injured Workers Pharmacy

During Customer Service Week and beyond, it’s our commitment to provide injured workers with excellent customer service and the highest quality prescription care possible. If you are not an injured worker, that doesn’t mean that you’re not deserving of the same type of care. When dealing with new or existing health care providers, be open and upfront about the things you need from them.