IWP: A Patient-First Service
The patient is at the center of everything we do. IWP’s patient advocacy is paramount and our goal is to help doctors deliver the best care to their patients. Getting started is fast and easy.

1: You Refer

2: We Call

3: We Deliver
The Benefits of IWP
We provide freedom.

NO managing prescription prior to authorizations

NO long, drawn out phone calls for authorization

NO piles of paperwork

NO issues from a retail pharmacy’s lack of experience in work comp

Your Trusted Pharmacy Partner
We do more than simply manage prescription benefits. Our experience with pain management and traumatic injury allows us to work as a true advocate for our patients and their healthcare providers.More From The Blog
Professional Support You Can Trust
“It’s a culture of compliance… IWP dispenses medications effectively and also in a safe manner. The data and analytics we use was custom developed by the IWP analytics team.”
Michael Gavin, President and Chief Executive Officer