Our Pharmacy
The Nation’s Largest Full-Service Workers’ Compensation Pharmacy
Over 200 years of work comp claims and pharmaceutical experience you can trust.
The IWP Pharmacy Difference
IWP is a full-service workers’ compensation pharmacy. We are experts with injectables, non-opioid treatments, controlled substances, and specialized medications.

Prescription Medications Are Dispensed Quickly and Safety

Four Point Quality Check To Ensure Quality

Experience in Meeting State Compliance

Personalized Service To Provide Complex Care

Overnight Options for Injectable Medications

Continuity of Care To Support Healing

Home Delivery for Easier Access
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Get specialized support with workers comp claims and medication delivery. Our experienced pharmacy staff is always available.
Pharmacists have 20+ years of experience
Licensed to dispense in all 50 states
prescriptions filled per month
Injured Workers Helped
The IWP Culture of Compliance
“IWP offers support to me and my patients. They take care of everything from
A to Z. I can rely on these professional Pharmacists.”
Dr. Ghaly, MD
“IWP fills the void in the marketplace for people who need a solution. Occupational medicine is a specialty and IWP helps educate my staff.”
Dr. David Fletcher, MD, MPH, FACOEM
“Patient safety is our utmost priority... our reporting goes right up to the top of our management team. We have a very strict dispensing process.”
Neil Welch, Senior Director of Clinical Operations